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This is a dedicated wholesale site. Please click on the link below to access the consumer website. https://prvaudio.com/ https://timpanoaudio.com/

Resale Certificate

We are updating our tax exemption certificate and may reach out to you if our records for your company are currently incomplete or expired. Please use the following form to upload an image of your current or new Resale Certificate. Failure to update your certificate may result in tax being applied to your company's purchases.

Keep in mind that it may take up to 24–48 hours for your certificate to be processed and orders made before that period may also result in tax being applied.

If you need assistance with or have questions regarding your Resale Certificate, please call (954) 859-5529 or email support@prvaudio.com.

The records for your company are currently complete.

(If you still want to upload a new Resale Certificate, please click the button below.)